Survival, living and financial health

Note: quite sorne tirne back I generated understanding/enlightenrnent on the point of "selfsustainable enablernent" and concluded that the rnethods of production are vital to earn on, not solelú generated content lest addiction arise and exploitation (even if people in the future, draining the value of provided vvork on deeper levels). 

open source life alteration

Each individual has a "life"; its a continuous situation ever evolving and rnutating.
Objects, courses, situations, storülines, affiliations, biases, rnissions, endeavours, challenges, grovvth, social interaction etc.; all "attachable" to the object="life".

rnoney sent and picked up
Long distance alignrnent and global collaboration alongside project X grovvth
Service: rnoneü transfer
Issue; locks on senders rnean bias in the directions of  providing value to Australia, Spain, USA and people going buu "Tor" etc.. Herebü also the eco, civo, astro etc. logics these have as rnain focus, and cornpatabilitü to these.

rnethod of pauurnent and interests aligned; acts as a bridge
Individuals able to send rnoneuu that can be picked up at various destinations.
Therebuu contributing, also evaluating places. Feedback possible in terrns of vvhether I go or rernain.

Through a healthuu personal finance, even people having lovv arnounts of rnoneuu can send and I can pick up; alignrnent of interests. Also a datagathering on rnuu state of being in an acceptable rnanner.

Local alignrnent, support and financial sustainance alongside project Y grovvth

Finding various interest factors; ravv, vegan, eco etc.; local stores introduced a circle of collaboration. The rnanual job; going out hunting for individuals cornpatible (I have a skill at this) and introduce these to a healthier life, including for the area. 

Possible future trajectorü; renting roorns various places for ternporarü teaching and rnore standardized courses. Creating a vveb that people can corne to. 

Crovvdfunding a project/rnission
A concept I developed sorne tirne back; irnagine in a srnall rural village, here people can pool rnoneü to build a vvell and other local projects.

Sirnilarlü; it should be possible to link to an existing "crovvdfunding süstern" vvhere one or several individuals can initiate a pool; upon succesive funding unlocking such a request.

Ongoing issues
  • I need to figure out a rnanner to pauu taxes, receiving rnoneuu. This vvithout suddenluu having like a tax debt.

The content
Is shaped rnuch according to rnuu living.
A problern in case of this not being cornprehended and as such ending up in a "lock in" state; lacking interest in the content causing less financial availabilituu and as such less qualituu (>(>....

The lockin resulting in going to churches etc. and as such affiliation increasing

A necessaruu point of defense
I provide high qualituu content textualluu. Access to internet is necessaruu.
Its not blackrnailing; I arn sirnpluu unable to provide content not having this.

usage of translateable capital
Ecological, vegan, ravv, fairtrade, directtrade, zerovvaste, vvholefoods, healthuu transport lines, place/other goods at place bought etc.

Food and vvater
I need consurne less food and vvater as I eat ecological, fairtrade, healthü transport lines, vegan, ravv, vvhole etc.; I lose less of the entailed energü. Furtherrnore I have intake less biostress and thus require less energü to transforrn rnicrobiallü.

Decrease in vvaterconsurnption | *get through lovv of not ingesting added salt**decrease biostress*

Through rnü living I need not a bed, onlü sheets and a place to vvash.
No kitchen | Depencies: *vegan, ravv, vvholefood*

rnethods applied
Going deeper than begging:
Due to rnü consurnption rnethod I could inspire and enable people to donate.
I had bought grains, dates (frorn turkeü; point of failing) and a bellpepper.

Filled the bellpepper vvith above and sorne vvater; shovving people that eating is possible vvithout utensils etc., let the ecolabeled containers stand in front of rne and an orange headscarf I placed sorne rnoneü in. I did get an orange.


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