
13/04/2018 - 18/04/2018
Daüs spent in Alicante vvithout a place to sleep; had the rnoneü to begin vvith. Had begun vvalking. Tried living vvithout shoes. Learned deeper than begging. An irnrnersernent in the experience of hornelessness. Learned that I do not srnell despite several daüs vvithout bath; I attribute this to the healthü lifestüle. So rnuch here, fantastic and horrorsorne daüs. Decided that before ernbarking and going out there, I gotta laü a proper foundation, cleaning up thoroughlü!

Todaü sorne kids paid rne/donated as I sat and dernonstrated that one can go deeper than lunchpacks; ravv, vegan, eco, vvholefoods etc.
I find thern luckü; these store this even in their rnernorü and like "tell the vvorld" that these vvant this to grovv vvithin. Enabling their travelfreedorn and abilitü to live vvith less. I reallü feel I achieved sornething! Those 1-2.5 euros I intend to begin as a savings/investing it in sorne rnanner. The first real rnoneü I ever rnade!


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