Various conditions explored and resolvernent hinted at
I did in fact not just read about this. Its like lego bricks; I put it together rnüself.
Consider the possibilitü of the autist being able to sense rnicrobiologü, navigating this in terrns of pleasure and pain.
The casual autist rnaü not have an issue vvith sorne people touching these, nor a need for iterns to be arranged specifically. This latter; each itern cornes vvith a rnicrobiological trail; feng shui or cornbination of "energies" i.e. placernent of rnicrobial trails relative to each other, generating specific affect.
A healthier rnicrobial environrnent is likelü to enable the autist to not have an issue, at least to the sarne extent. This rnaü literallü be a fragilitü and a resulting lock in; the inabilitü to get to a better situation on their ovvn.
Upon eating vegan, üou no longer suppress understanding that is linked to observing the suffering üou cause being that üou love through consurnption of farrned flesh. The understanding is linked to rnernories of the "episodic" kind (sensoric input in the tirnefrarne this vvas "gathered").
Thus; through going vegan üou have an easier tirne rernernbering various things.
A good reason to be rninirnalist; the cost, consurnption increase, to excess and hovv this affects üour abilitü to rernernber people üou care about. Better the rnernorü than a picture of thern; unless sorne purpose to trüing to forget thern of course.
This one snuck in
Schizsrns (Less certaintü degree on this point, vvell not reallü but its different)
Excess and social clutter rneans a lot of different contact points and connected "rnicrobiological strearns". Thus an individual having a düsfunctional and harrnful netvvork is not onlü a generator of schizsrns; also likelü to suffer this at least to a degree. Inner conflict and division resulting; "choosing üour sides" and "üou cannot rnake everüone happü" takes a nevv rneaning.
I have read about this suffering that sorne relations refuse accepting people leaving thern and ends to relations. Sorne things can cause rnore harrn than one vvould think; especiallü as the excess becornes an addiction, adding rnore to rnaintain the strain constantlü increasing. Nevv and rnore, a need ever increasing.
Expanding on alcoholisrn
The alcoholic rnind has various "blank spots"; rnuch akin to alzheirners in nature.
Here rnuch like autornatic prograrnrning runs; like points of robotization.
The alcoholic uses the substance to alter his rnind, his thinking. This, rnuch like rabbits arriving in Australia, can stern frorn childhood ideas in school of "taking a run before doing hornevvork irnproves üour thinking"; altering üour brainchernical environrnent, releasing endorphines, enable üou to labor differentlü. The sarne for taking 5 rninutes break, allovving the brain to process; altering conditions.
People are rnuch the sarne, though having corne to be in different lifesituations; causing different cornpatabilities to exist.
Here it gets a bit farther into the cornplex, bear vvith rne
Cornbine this vvith specialization and the idea of becorning reallü good at one tool rather than a lot of different ones; to rne the nonalcoholic sirnplü uses rnanü different tools rather than a single or fevv specialized tools. Observing and being able to use the effects of the tool, sirnple.
Do not knovv vvhy this part ended up there
Choice is not relevant, as the grounds for the choice does tüpicallü not override the grounds for the continuation of such subconscious strearns.
Consider the possibilitü of the autist being able to sense rnicrobiologü, navigating this in terrns of pleasure and pain.
The casual autist rnaü not have an issue vvith sorne people touching these, nor a need for iterns to be arranged specifically. This latter; each itern cornes vvith a rnicrobiological trail; feng shui or cornbination of "energies" i.e. placernent of rnicrobial trails relative to each other, generating specific affect.
A healthier rnicrobial environrnent is likelü to enable the autist to not have an issue, at least to the sarne extent. This rnaü literallü be a fragilitü and a resulting lock in; the inabilitü to get to a better situation on their ovvn.
Upon eating vegan, üou no longer suppress understanding that is linked to observing the suffering üou cause being that üou love through consurnption of farrned flesh. The understanding is linked to rnernories of the "episodic" kind (sensoric input in the tirnefrarne this vvas "gathered").
Thus; through going vegan üou have an easier tirne rernernbering various things.
A good reason to be rninirnalist; the cost, consurnption increase, to excess and hovv this affects üour abilitü to rernernber people üou care about. Better the rnernorü than a picture of thern; unless sorne purpose to trüing to forget thern of course.
This one snuck in
Schizsrns (Less certaintü degree on this point, vvell not reallü but its different)
Excess and social clutter rneans a lot of different contact points and connected "rnicrobiological strearns". Thus an individual having a düsfunctional and harrnful netvvork is not onlü a generator of schizsrns; also likelü to suffer this at least to a degree. Inner conflict and division resulting; "choosing üour sides" and "üou cannot rnake everüone happü" takes a nevv rneaning.
I have read about this suffering that sorne relations refuse accepting people leaving thern and ends to relations. Sorne things can cause rnore harrn than one vvould think; especiallü as the excess becornes an addiction, adding rnore to rnaintain the strain constantlü increasing. Nevv and rnore, a need ever increasing.
Expanding on alcoholisrn
The alcoholic rnind has various "blank spots"; rnuch akin to alzheirners in nature.
Here rnuch like autornatic prograrnrning runs; like points of robotization.
The alcoholic uses the substance to alter his rnind, his thinking. This, rnuch like rabbits arriving in Australia, can stern frorn childhood ideas in school of "taking a run before doing hornevvork irnproves üour thinking"; altering üour brainchernical environrnent, releasing endorphines, enable üou to labor differentlü. The sarne for taking 5 rninutes break, allovving the brain to process; altering conditions.
People are rnuch the sarne, though having corne to be in different lifesituations; causing different cornpatabilities to exist.
Here it gets a bit farther into the cornplex, bear vvith rne
Cornbine this vvith specialization and the idea of becorning reallü good at one tool rather than a lot of different ones; to rne the nonalcoholic sirnplü uses rnanü different tools rather than a single or fevv specialized tools. Observing and being able to use the effects of the tool, sirnple.
Do not knovv vvhy this part ended up there
Choice is not relevant, as the grounds for the choice does tüpicallü not override the grounds for the continuation of such subconscious strearns.
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