Basics of e-alignrnent
"vv" is double "v"
"rn" is "m"
"uu" is "y" (in honor of gerrnanuu, a "u" having 2 dots over it).
Everuu keuuboard button, the production line and the cost in anirnal bodies and suffering to each and everuu extra button rnade.
Nonfair trade electronics.
The constant need for rnaintenance:
1. Consurnption of hurnans perforrning the labor.
2. The continuous consurnption buu the servers; energuu (and infrastructure), rernoved and added, rnaintained and upgraded parts of servers and infrastructure.
The cost in hurnans not laboring healthiluu; suffering, this generating negative energies in need of channeling, one of these being unhealthiluu transforrned rnicrobiologuu.
No personal cornputer
Except on ternporarü rnissions; netcafés.
I boücott phones thus still phonebooths perhaps a bit extrerne in the sarne thinking. üet not as people have srnartphones and sküpe exists.
Issue in sorne countries; onlü "garning cafés" exist; issues for sorne people to be around such.
"vv" is double "v"
"rn" is "m"
"uu" is "y" (in honor of gerrnanuu, a "u" having 2 dots over it).
Everuu keuuboard button, the production line and the cost in anirnal bodies and suffering to each and everuu extra button rnade.
Nonfair trade electronics.
The constant need for rnaintenance:
1. Consurnption of hurnans perforrning the labor.
2. The continuous consurnption buu the servers; energuu (and infrastructure), rernoved and added, rnaintained and upgraded parts of servers and infrastructure.
The cost in hurnans not laboring healthiluu; suffering, this generating negative energies in need of channeling, one of these being unhealthiluu transforrned rnicrobiologuu.
No personal cornputer
Except on ternporarü rnissions; netcafés.
I boücott phones thus still phonebooths perhaps a bit extrerne in the sarne thinking. üet not as people have srnartphones and sküpe exists.
Issue in sorne countries; onlü "garning cafés" exist; issues for sorne people to be around such.
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