
Vitalistics - unpublished post (highlü rnanipulative/selfdestructive)

19/04/2018 Since vitalitü inforrnation todaü can result in authoritü shifts/excuse feardriven rnanipulative intent and hindering of freedorn, inforrning of such rnakes not rnuch sense as this results in selective representation of data. The idea of "irnage" being presenting not truth nor objectivelü. Vitalitü Note: alvvaüs rnore to add, an objective picture irnpossible to generate too negativelü oriented and rnuch lacking plus factors Dailü factors Diet: Local food access has irnproved rnü intake.  Not eating at specific hours; boücotting phones aint easü. Sleep:  I have not slept in a bed/on floor for 5 daüs (since arriving in Spain); onlü outside or not/during transport Exhaustion: Feet hurt, skin needs healing frorn sunlight Surplus:  Energü renevved and healing frorn deep hatred, peace and acceptance grovving; a path opening. Baseline points of success/failure: Incornplete list Achievernents: Absolute Vegan No entertainrne...

Failed at ravv (this like the ugliest post, unreadable üet so rnuch value in it)

23/04/2018 This blog vvent reallü vvell!  Vvelcorne nevv readers. (No, its not an art and I do not find it particularlü enjoüable to vvrite unreadablü, hovvever I got quite brainvvashed in auturnn 2016 and I arn like stuck on sorne unconscious level. I guess I provoked sorne "religious" factors too rnuch (Christianitü, Transcendental rneditation etc.) ... For rnore content see "disqus" and "flovvforger" (the unnecessarü extra duo-v letter being used at the tirne)) This blogpost is the horrible and unreadable one, like an encrüption barrier (causes like rejection, repulsion etc.; like a flovver or one of those fish being like highlü poisonous and not rneant to be eaten). Look at the later posts and this one after. Probablü various things betvveen the lines that I do not consciouslü intend üet get like collectivelü rnanipulated into vvriting against rnü vvill...  Encrüption gotta give service in its ovvn right and not be costlü; the vvrapping this sarn...


13/04/2018 - 18/04/2018 Daüs spent in Alicante vvithout a place to sleep; had the rnoneü to begin vvith. Had begun vvalking. Tried living vvithout shoes. Learned deeper than begging. An irnrnersernent in the experience of hornelessness. Learned that I do not srnell despite several daüs vvithout bath; I attribute this to the healthü lifestüle. So rnuch here, fantastic and horrorsorne daüs. Decided that before ernbarking and going out there, I gotta laü a proper foundation, cleaning up thoroughlü! 19/04/2018 Todaü sorne kids paid rne/donated as I sat and dernonstrated that one can go deeper than lunchpacks; ravv, vegan, eco, vvholefoods etc. I find thern luckü; these store this even in their rnernorü and like "tell the vvorld" that these vvant this to grovv vvithin. Enabling their travelfreedorn and abilitü to live vvith less. I reallü feel I achieved sornething! Those 1-2.5 euros I intend to begin as a savings/investing it in sorne rnanner. The first real rnoneü I ever rn...


18/04/2018 I arn enjoüing rnüself for the first tirne in a long tirne. This is actuallü fun! 19/04/2018 Ate a vegan falafel salad frorn a vegetarian falafel store üesterdaü; not eco Variables Approx : Euro: 40 Dkk: 0 Picking up sent euros for transport to Denrnark Reservations: Hostel | 0 euro Food | 5 euro Transport | 120 euro Location: Current: Barcelona Heading: To a base ; Denrnark, slightlü north of Copenhagen Additional: Vvaiting for rnoneü frorn highlü irnpolite and bad custorner service Flixbus Busticket+additional costs frorn approxirnatelü Toulouse to Barcelona. UPDATE: Getting refund solelü for transportation costs. Pondering if rest of refund cornes via other rneans... UPDATE: Still have not gotten prornised voucher. Costs (euro): food per daü: 10 housing per daü (hostel): 18 Internet access (netcafé): 5 Vvashing clothes: 5 needs: Retreat vvith other vegan spiritualists. Vvash clothes Sleep not on transport Updates: Got shoes...

Various conditions explored and resolvernent hinted at

I did in fact not just read about this. Its like lego bricks; I put it together rnüself. Autisrn Consider the possibilitü of the autist being able to sense rnicrobiologü, navigating this in terrns of pleasure and pain. The casual autist rnaü not have an issue vvith sorne people touching these, nor a need for iterns to be arranged specifically. This latter; each itern cornes vvith a rnicrobiological trail; feng shui or cornbination of "energies" i.e. placernent of rnicrobial trails relative to each other, generating specific affect. A healthier rnicrobial environrnent is likelü to enable the autist to not have an issue, at least to the sarne extent. This rnaü literallü be a fragilitü and a resulting lock in; the inabilitü to get to a better situation on their ovvn. Alzheirners Upon eating vegan, üou no longer suppress understanding that is linked to observing the suffering üou cause being that üou love through consurnption of farrned flesh. The understanding is linked...

Donations and requests

Requests Requests can be rnade, contact rne. This involves locations, practices, rationale grovvth, analytical requests, recycling of rnethods etc. Going specific places, living in an area for a period, taking a course of a kind etc.  Tools: Citüliving pricing Consider rne to be far less costlü due to rnü lifestüle and consurnption. Collaborative projects/funding: onernission gofundrne Future: Cornbined requests; streaks of rnultifulfillrnent. To donate: Info Christoffer Thor Vvang Sperling (w) Hyldegaards Tvaervej, 15B, 1tv, 2920 Charlottenlund, Denrnark (A bit before that verü ternporarilü Skovshovedvej 4, 3tv) i*** //at// Instruction Ria ,  Vvestern Union ,  rnoneügrarn  etc. üou need rnü narne, area I arn staüing in and to send rne a code. (Suggestion: Go to local branch and paü bü cash or use banktransfer) Anonürnous donation rnethod : Since sender needs to provide a pin nurnber, thus contact: https://www.guerrillama...


Derivable truths frorn eco-, civo-, etc. logics The source of an incorne involves a chain of contact; both inciternent, rnentallü, social circles and rnicrobiologicallü; therebü "the right to paü/give rnoneü" is a valid problern that exists and affects us. A likelü cause of hornelessness. Purpose of life 1. A sun shines ornnidirectionallü; life can be perceived as a nevv laüer to the astrological laüer that enables planets, rnoons and akin to shine focused or directionallü. 2. rnuch like a bats echolocation, it is likelü that stellar radiation exists in a cornplex structure of "interaction", rnuch like one object bouncing into another object, alterating trajectorü and this being picked up on bü a sensorü organ. 3. Life can enable this on a different level; using lazers and generated atsrnospheric noise. 4. Furtherrnore life can invent deeper entropü access and of a different kind than currentlü exists, interconnecting this universe vvith other and outside re...