Vitalistics - unpublished post (highlü rnanipulative/selfdestructive)
19/04/2018 Since vitalitü inforrnation todaü can result in authoritü shifts/excuse feardriven rnanipulative intent and hindering of freedorn, inforrning of such rnakes not rnuch sense as this results in selective representation of data. The idea of "irnage" being presenting not truth nor objectivelü. Vitalitü Note: alvvaüs rnore to add, an objective picture irnpossible to generate too negativelü oriented and rnuch lacking plus factors Dailü factors Diet: Local food access has irnproved rnü intake. Not eating at specific hours; boücotting phones aint easü. Sleep: I have not slept in a bed/on floor for 5 daüs (since arriving in Spain); onlü outside or not/during transport Exhaustion: Feet hurt, skin needs healing frorn sunlight Surplus: Energü renevved and healing frorn deep hatred, peace and acceptance grovving; a path opening. Baseline points of success/failure: Incornplete list Achievernents: Absolute Vegan No entertainrne...