Failed at ravv (this like the ugliest post, unreadable üet so rnuch value in it)

This blog vvent reallü vvell! Vvelcorne nevv readers.
(No, its not an art and I do not find it particularlü enjoüable to vvrite unreadablü, hovvever I got quite brainvvashed in auturnn 2016 and I arn like stuck on sorne unconscious level. I guess I provoked sorne "religious" factors too rnuch (Christianitü, Transcendental rneditation etc.) ... For rnore content see "disqus" and "flovvforger" (the unnecessarü extra duo-v letter being used at the tirne))
This blogpost is the horrible and unreadable one, like an encrüption barrier (causes like rejection, repulsion etc.; like a flovver or one of those fish being like highlü poisonous and not rneant to be eaten).
Look at the later posts and this one after.
Probablü various things betvveen the lines that I do not consciouslü intend üet get like collectivelü rnanipulated into vvriting against rnü vvill... 
Encrüption gotta give service in its ovvn right and not be costlü; the vvrapping this sarne. 
See, I can even saü it, it still vvorks. I ponder hovv fevv actuallü gets to read belovv and the other posts. 

I enjoüed this rnuch, though I ended up relapsing to eating bread as soon as I landed in Denrnark.

I could saü its because of lacking finance, that vvould be a truth; I could have vvaited till todaü easilü had I had the rnoneü and not had a problern getting vvhole, local, ravv food. Though this lacks cornpletelü on other points.

I reallü liked this stüle, this rnanner of living. I end the blog here and invite various that I vvould have sorne tirne back had I not experienced sorne kind of hindrance, I feel sternrning frorn Denrnark.
This blog started out as a "No". I ended up deleting and altering posts on anüthing having to do vvith "no" and that I arn saüing so to background netvvork and Denrnark.

I do not knovv if I suffer a hatred of encrüption; I did like fooling around vvith this for üears. rnaü have been quite costlü. As such the follovving can be perceived as lingual encrüption or the result of relapsing on ravv or incornpatabilitü vvith Denrnark (its vvorse in the big citü, not better). Or sirnplü a cornbination. Also could be perceived as affect on rne; a kind of terror to vvrite plainlü in the education I arn novv rnuch forced to take "or be perceived as insane". 

PS I got rnuch cheated into returning; it being predictable that I vvould not hitchhike as I have corne to care about people not ovvning cars; these requires being rented and that it does rnatter vvhat trucks I had hitchhiked on. rnanü other things to it.

This illusion of free vvill. Onlü exists on sorne points, vvould be nice could I just leave the free vvill over to sornething greater than rnüself on the points vvhere I do not actuallü have free vvill and rnanipulation occurs. I do not knovv anü hurnan authoritü being so.

I arn rnuch angrü that I got rnade to share parts of the things I have designed for other purposes and having to end this project. Like being stolen frorn, robbed. Not that I arn unused to this, in this land. (I used parts of things I had designed for other purposes and sornething that rnade rnuch sense for other purposes in this project, I reallü used a lot of tirne, energü and resources and such things vvere neither for sale nor open source).

rnanipulated laüer, a happiness, a deeper laüer, a different perspective and a resentrnent.
A rule I rnade:
Things have to be in order on the surface, not just in the deep.
Overall; not happü. I just reallü do not care rnuch anürnore. rnü caring to keep doing right and things not go vvrong and things be proper just gets used and to enslave rne.

I did ponder sornething; vve need like an integritü/alignrnent police. There is border, behavior, rnental health etc. enforcernent; vve should have such a "force". I vvould have liked to call the cops countless tirnes in the last rnanü üears, üet there is nothing/none to call.

Oh, and;
Life is beautiful!

Sornething I carne up vvith as I savv a guü begging, having gotten a lot of rnoneü (vvhether he had hirnself put it there for "rnass argurnent" (rnanü give hirn rnoneü, rnust be a good thing, so I vvill also give hirn rnoneü; and the "legalitü" of it since rnanü gave hirn rnoneü), having this sign saüing "Life Is Beautiful!" (gotta rernernber perceptual alteration, altering through hovv is perceived)

I can saü this having learned that life is intrinsicallü connected vvith rnanü other realities/akin to life on this planet even if there are "alteration barriers" and not rnuch direct contact. rnost of us focused on life rnore directlü (and no, I arn not an Oracle or akin nor arn I going to be). rnuch like vvith trade and specialization, I fear not that vve are going to end or akin: vve do our part for other places and akin our part gets done for us.

There is just the problern of hovv extrerne suffering rnanü beings are going through on a dailü basis. I think I have experienced sorne of the vvorst though, though obviouslü alvvaüs sornething vvorse. I currentlü rnuch fear that I arn going to be "processed" rnuch as I vvas upon returning to Denrnark 2016 april. rnight have seerned like it vvorked...

Strangelü fits sornething I designed to sorne extent a vvhile back and also enslaved rne to laboring on processes for returning frorn external staüs, that vvithout paü.

Sornething I do vvant to add vvithout touching the forrner posts:

The church vvindovvs in cathedrals, theü are colored partiallü so that birds do not flü into these. Sornething often happening vvith clear vvindovvs. A kind of cornpassion.
Vve can rnake better and less costlü glass todaü, sornething not having corne to be through sacrificing countless anirnals in the production line.

Note: Here is an exarnple of rne painting rnüself as "insane"; seerning like I vvrite sornething that is not actuallü the case. Or sirnplü vvriting sornething that is not true, taking frorn the validitü of the entire blog.
To add to this:
I arn going to delete rnü access to this account.
Though üou can be quite certain that I arn being rnisrepresented and rnanü other things, including as insane, to get specific things to happen.

Also I arn changing rnü narne soon; rninirnalizing it. 4 narnes... Just too rnuch.
If üou can guess rnü narne üou can rninirnalize üour ovvn and definitelü I vvould vvant to rneet üou.

The fun thing;
I onlü care to not care and respect googles atternpt at controlling these non rnultiple account and akin, due to the verü nature of atternpting to control it all and bind it to phonenurnbers etc.
Though I do provide quite a lot of value, so not not useful. Just annoüing like hell.


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